Tag Archives: lists

I Make To-Do Lists Like a Boss

Me: It’s Sunday.

Sparky: Well done, Captain Obvious. Your menstrual headache doesn’t seem to have inflicted any permanent damage. Yet.

Me: I have things to do. Here is my list, in case you’re interested.

Sparky: I’m not. I’m a dog. I have my own priorities.

Me: Like what?

Sparky: Like laying on my side by the door for an hour. And then I have to lay on my other side for an hour. It’s all about balance.

Me: This is why humans rule the world, not dogs. Here is my list anyway.

Sparky: No one cares about your stupid list.

Me: It’s more for my own peace of mind, like anything else most people put on the internet.

– Transgressive lit readings (6 articles)

– Notes on transgressive lit readings

– Write a Petrarchan sonnet

– Memoir essay (1500 words) – midnight market?

– Find an excerpt that describes what I envision Miami to be

– Look up creative writing website designs

– Register Print Oriented Bastards on Duotrope

– Start TA certification online orientation

– Kundiman poetry retreat application

– Get groceries

Sparky: You’ve only crossed one thing off your list and it’s already 1:47pm.

Me: I’ve been doing this instead. Don’t judge me. I’m being literary.

Isn’t the cover beautiful? Despite loving Murakami, this video is the original reason I wanted to read this book.

I realize how creepy this picture looks at first (or third) glance. Forgive the weirdly distorted pink body.

This is an excellent book, although I’m only 52 pages in. B. got it for me for Christmas. Much love to both B. and Murakami. You are both amazing.